Wednesday, 4 May 2011

How the blood pressure of our body is measured by doctors.

When measuring the blood pressure the doctor first envelope our hand hind arm by the rubber cloth material,then pumps the air to the apparatus and then places the round end of the stethoscope in between the rubber envelope and our hand and then places the other end of the stethoscope in to his ears.Our heart beat is felt by the doctor through the stethoscope, now when the air is pumped to the rubber envelope it creates counter pressure on the hand and stops the flow of blood,the pressure given to the apparatus is systole pressure of the this time the doctor will not feel the pulse,since the flow of blood through the  arm is prevented by the apparatus.Now the doctor releases the air pumped slowly which allows the flow of blood back and at this time the pulse signal is received by the doctor and this marks the diastole pressure of heart.In short what amount of pressure is necessary to prevent the flow of blood is systole pressure which is 120mm of mercury and what amount of pressure is to be  released to allow the flow of blood is diastole pressure and that is 80 mm of mercury for  normal man.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing wrong if there is slight variation up to 10mm depending up on a person's weight and age.High Bp if unnoticed lead to hypertension.Excess consumption of salt than needed is major symtom followed by other symtoms and low Bp is equally fattal .so please check it out.
