There are 1330 kurals are written by Thiruvalluvar. each kural consists of less than two lines.Each kural either teach how a particular problem can be solved that we face in our life in a particular situation or it itself raise a problem and gives a correct solution for it.what is quiet amazing me is how a single person deals so to say so many problems that different men may face in different situations in their entire life time and gives correct solution and by adhering it the one who follow thirukkral can lead a successful and happy life.
I quiet agree with you it is really amazing how one single person can Write about every walk of human life as if he lived a million life. Even if he could live how can he express it all so well. Even if he can express how can he do it in a nut shell in 7 words each following the rules of poetry absolutely. So, one think I can understand that mind power is unmatchable with any kind of invention man makes. Ironically all inventions are again creation of mind.
ReplyDeleteread quite in first line.
ReplyDeleteIt is possible for most of us to realize what would be eventhough we don't personlly experience.But it is a great wonder how it is possible for a single person to put it in a nutshell different phases of life.